Meet Kim

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Kim Hunter


License # 0651245

Meet Kim

Kim has over 20 years of experience in broadcast sales and management (with companies including Disney and ABC). She was one of 15 women (out of 10,000 candidates) that were selected by ABC to attend Simmons Graduate School of Management in Boston, a program designed to identify future corporate executives. The courses that were taught from Harvard Business School case studies covered advertising, economics, and the importance of understanding countries and cultures when bringing new products to the market.

With Kim’s extensive background, clients can expect an understanding of the market, including trends/tolerances and individually-designed marketing plans that get their properties noticed by the key groups of buyers. In 2019, Kim closed $15M+ in individual properties. Now, her clients have some exciting new opportunities to get their properties in front of highly-qualified buyers.

Kim is an avid equestrian and breeder of horses. She lives in beautiful Argyle (30mi NW of Dallas) with her husband, two rescue dogs, and her Trakehner horses. Her neighbors eagerly await each Spring to see her latest crop of foals cavorting in the pastures.